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[gossimer intro]

[more pictures of gossimer]

[even more pictures of gossimer]


Gossimer in his ESPN shirt...

[gossimer in his espn sportscenter shirt - his favorite shirt when he watches the games]


Obtained from a breeder in La Cresenta, CA at the end of 1996, Gossimer, a Yellow Labrador Retriever, has been by my side ever since...


Gossimer resting outside...

[taking a rest after playing with his ball]  


Gossimer in a Rochester winter...

[gossimer during a Rochester winter]


His name was taken from an old Bugs Bunny cartoon character, the Gossamer monster.  However, unknowingly at the time, I misspelled his name to what it is today...


Gossimer relaxing on the bed...

[hanging out on the bed]


Gossimer playing with his tennis ball...

[obsessing with his favorite toy - the tennis ball]


Gossimer has been a loyal companion and friend throughout the years, and getting him, without a doubt, has been the best decision that I have ever made...


Gossimer swimming...

[swimming at my parent's house]


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