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[gossimer][university of southern california][university of rochester][resume][pictures of trips]

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[arcadia group]

[usc group]

[rochester group]


rochester group:

>miscellaneous pictures

>blackjack ball 2001

>graduation week

>commencement ceremony


mbas getting diplomas...

[mbas getting their diplomas]


mom and dad...

[mom and dad at the ceremony]


me, vanessa, and irene...

[me, vanessa, and irene]


irene at the graduation podium...

[irene at the graduation podium]


kurt, irene, dan, and vanessa...

[kurt, irene, dan, and vanessa]


me and michael...

[me and michael]


green team #1...

[me, nicolas, jeffrey, and michael - a.k.a. green team #1]


me, irene, makiko, suge, and michael...

[me, irene, makiko, suge, and michael]


me, marco, and irene...

[me, marco, and irene]


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