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[usc graduation trip - maui, hawaii - june 1996]

[across country - from california to new york - sept 1999]

[the new england states - sept 2000]

[across country - from rochester to california - june 2001]


At the finish of my MBA Program, I decided to return to the West Coast to continue my career.  So, again, I asked my friend, Jeff, to accompany me on the long cross country road trip.  However, for a change, we selected a different route that would take us through 12 states in a time of 7 days, 6 nights. 


We drove on Interstate 80 for a large part of the trip until we hit the US 26, which parallels the historic Oregon Trail that was used by many of the early settlers heading for a new life on the West Coast.  Along this highway, we were fortunate enough to see many of the remarkable remnants of the country's past including historic Fort Laramie, Chimney Rock, Register Cliff, a Pony Express historical site, and remains of wagon wheel ruts that had cut across the earth.  At the end of this highway, we reached Jackson Hole, Wyoming, the highlight of our trip.  We stayed here for two nights absorbing the outdoor Western atmosphere and beauty of the town and surrounding areas before continuing on home to Los Angeles.


jeff and gossimer hanging out at a rest stop...

[jeff and gossimer hanging out at a rest stop]


the ford and the uhaul rental...

[the ford and the uhaul rental]

notre dame entrance...

[usc's college football rival school, notre dame (located in south bend, indiana) - although my childhood favorite, my devotion is to the usc trojans]


notre dame football stadium...

[notre dame's infamous football stadium]


pony express site...

[one of the legendary pony express stations - located along the US 26]


gossimer hanging out on the lawn...

[gossimer hanging out on the grass]


jeff and goss...

[jeff and gossimer]


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me and jeff taking a break...

[me and jeff taking a break from the drive]


chimney rock...

[chimney rock national historical site - the spire of chimney rock was one of the chief landmarks on the oregon trail]


oregon trail landscape...

[landcape along the oregon trail]



[more landscape along the oregon trail - windmill]


more landscape...

[more landscape along the oregon trail]


more landscape...

[more landscape along the oregon trail - one of the many pastures we drove by]


more landscape...

[more landscape along the oregon trail]

fort laramie...

[fort larmie historical site - an important fur-trading center and military post on the oregon trail]


me and gossimer at fort laramie...

[me and gossimer at fort laramie]


register cliff...

[register cliff, where thousands of pioneers carved their names]


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wagon trail ruts...

[preserved site where the ruts of wagon wheels still remain]


the grand teton mountain range...

[the grand teton mountain range]


the sunset at the grand teton mountains...

[the sunset behind the grand teton mountains]


snake river...

[snake river - jackson, wyoming]


jackson hole downtown...

[downtown jackson hole]


me and gossimer at the jackson hole town square...

[me and gossimer at the jackson hole town square]


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utah landscape...

[utah landscape]




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